The heroes come together after quite some time. A good discussion overs cigars and Synthehol reveals all of them are connected to each other trough various events in the past.

Nick Stark, also known as The Datadealer stole the blueprints from the Jol Nar detailing their Spatial Conduit Network.  However, the Hylar manage to trace him, forcing him to become a wanted refugee. Stark managed to secure passage on a small ship, piloted by Owen, the Mentak cyborg gunslinger and guarded by the Letnev Mercenary Rankor. Some time later, Owen was captured an tortured but never gave any information on his client.
Stark already knew Captain Honel, as he used him in the past to prepare data heists

Ackatac T'Yloch, the rogue Hylar scientist was on the same flight, escaping his home planet after transferring his fathers brain into a botched experiment. Captain Honel and Ackatac's fellow refugee Nick Stark became good friends.

Cap Honel and Owen Skidder already had a long working relationship and when Owen was shot, the captain ordered a cyber-bio lab installed in his ship so that the refugee Ackatac could help save him.
Later, when Rankor was stuck behind enemy lines on Isstvan V, Owen Skidder war hired by Rankor's family to extract him. Ackatack joined the mission, more to see Owen's rebuilt body in action then to help the Letnev warrior.

The crew decides to journey to Hyperion IX, seeing as this is a planet low on the radar of the Law and Vegapol and an excellent place to find some work. The crew lands and indulges in some entertainment. Yet after a while they see someone is taking pictures of them. The apprehension of this guy fails and they set up an ambush. 
A large, orb-like robot follows them into an alley and the ambush is sprung...

Owen Skidder
6/26/2013 03:40:19 am

Ah it feels good being back in action again after such a long time of recovery after Ackatac rebuild me. I must say it is still painful that my pretty face that was once such a chick magnet has been utterly destroyed, the guy that did this to me will one day pay for it. However it must be said that Ackatac did an incredible job, my senses are incredibly sharp and I feel like I can shoot the wings of a fly. Cap was right by the way, there is no need to be paranoid, or my enemy will not recognizeme or I will utterly destroy him.

The cap
7/16/2013 02:43:15 am

Session one.

Another day, another port of call. They all seem the same. Thieves, whores and swindlers. But to see them as an honest trader is as refreshing as I hoped. The war is done and now I'm a free man. I'll go where I please and offer my services to whomever I choose.
Skidder seems to be dealing with his injuries and Stark is more relaxed then usual. Ackatak is getting restless after the completion of his lab, he'll need something to occupy his brain soon. Let's hope we get a good job here, one where we don't have to shoot someone, or get shot at...

B. Honel


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