FotoLetnev Transport Gunship
After their success on Moonbase Alpha, the crew sets course to their planet of opportunity: Hyperion IX. 
En route they pick up a distress signal from a Letnev transport under attack. The crew decides to intervene and come upon a battle scene where the Letnev ship is being boarded by ships from the Naalu Collective. A brief but heavy firefight ensues but the crew is victorious. They rescue Rankor, an old companion. Raleeshan, a Hacan diplomat and Khasra Fireclaw, a weapons engineer. 
Kashra and Ackatac get along well and after dropping off the Hacan on the Letnev Military planet of Vefut II they decide to keep Kashra for the fee of 50 creds a day. On Vefut, the crew also recieves a message from Emerich Rach who wishes to employ their services once more. On their way to Emerich's mansion they come under attack from bounty hunters. They want to cash in on a new bounty issued by the Naalu Collective on the head of Owen Skidder. After a short but deadly firefight, the bounty hunters are defeated.

Raleeshan, Hacan Diplomat & Weapons Dealer