On their return to Hyperion, the heroes undergo some training, spend time on research and building projects and improve their skills. courtesy of the LOM.

The crew is then invited by their employer and benefactor Emerich Rach of the League of Merchants. He has a new job for them, a short while ago he received an CommTorp containing requisition for extraction for one of his teams and delivery of medical and survival supplies. When pressed for further info Emerich has little to offer.

The Coördinates lead to Tayah, a moon orbiting the planet Croix. The system is owned by House Darran, a religious house that is part of the Empire of Sol. The Darran church is a spin-off religion of the Dia Khorva (see planets for more info). The Tsorosians are the indigenous sentient lifeform and have been oppressed by the Darrans for aeons.  However, by the time our heroes arrive the Tsorosians have started to revolt.

Despite the advice by Emerich Rach to avoid officials, the Isolde is picked up on long range sensors when entering the system. The crew decides to board the Darran space station under false pretences. Nick Stark provides a sleeper virus that will erase all traces of their visit upon departure.

The crew of the station is thorough and on edge but despite this the heroes manage to plant Starks virus and make their escape. As part of the escape plan, a series of hyperjumps designed to throw off any pursuers goes amiss. The last jump, too near the gravity well of Tayah disrupts and damages the ships Relative Inertial Field generator (RIF). This mishap forces our heroes to land on the moon.

FotoToratoma, Strike Leader of the Havenband TLF
With the RIF out of commission, the heroes decide to continue on land, using Owen's combat vehicle. As they approach the coördinates, Rankor spots lifeforms on his tactical scanner. About 30 to 50 individuals have surrounded their transport. Some of these wield sniper rifles and anti-tank weaponry. A lone figure emerges from the jungle and orders the heroes to surrender their weapons. 
The adventurers see no alternative but to give up, however, Nick Stark manages to activate his stealth suit and avoids capture. He rejoins Acatac on the ship and starts plans to aid his friends.
Meanwhile the figure has introduced himself as Toratoma of the Havenband. A cell of the Tayan Liberation Front. Toratoma takes them into the camp. He then calls for a few of the refugees in his native tongue. The bedraggled Tsorosians who approach bear peculiar objects of all sorts, which Toratoma explains one by one: statues of deceased family members or friends, starving babies, woodpaintings of bombed and ruined ekreets and factories, broken pieces of favorite possessions, etc.
Finally, Toratoma shows them his own item: a large, beaten and scratched wall poster showing the Royal Darranian Palace in all its splendour, complete with colourful costumes and glimmering Grav Cars, and bearing a typeset quotation originally penned by Viscount Yulran:
" ... All this being, vast and best, Needing naught-a scene divine - The program writ in every breast In sight except inside of mine ... "
He then accuses the heroes (as representatives of their employers) of crimes against Sentience of advocating the Church's practices by engaging in trade with them, and of being "every bit as heartless and mercenary as the overlords who raped this, our world." 
Toratoma goes on to explain that the PCs missing comrades never existed, they were invented to bring the PCs here in order to make this statement and to extract money and material support for their release.

FotoGeoSector45 wilderness
Meanwhile Acatac and Stark devise a plan, Stark hacks into the sattelite, which he uses to pick up his captive fellows. Then he contacts the TLF fighters pretending to be Emerich Rach. Stark and Toratoma come to an agreement; if the Havenbanders get technology blueprints and they can enlist the aid of their captives in attacking the local starport. The crew is free to return to their ship.
After some deliberation, all concerned agree. 

The captive heroes then encounter Old Rock, who is the true leader of the Havenband TLF faction. A venerable Tsorosian and master of "The Ancient Ways", Old Rock (this is a powerful title and honorific amongst the Tsorosians) is the eldest individual at Havenband. He is small, pale, almost completely hairless, and totally blind- none of which diminishes his status in the eyes of the camp whatsoever- and stays in a nearby hollow which Toratoma dug for him. Old Rock claims to have received the ancient teachings from his father, who remembered the days when Tayah Port possessed only one landing pad (this would have been about lmp.260).
Later, his family and friends moved to the undeveloped forests of what would later be known as GeoSector 45. Here, the group lived out their days, with Old Rock eventually taking his father's place as the local tradition-teller, until most of them were killed by a poorly-placed artillery strike three years ago. Old Rock is often very tired and he can't speak loudly, or for long. He usually relates his advices, teachings and tales of the past to Toratoma, who passes them on to the rest of the group.
He tries to make amends for the way the heroes were recieved and voices his wish that they embrace TLF ideals instead of being forced to fight along them. He is only marginally successfull.

FotoTLF Halftrack
The next day, all able fighters of Havenband assemble, the heroes are set free and a number of Halftrack vehicles appear.
These load up the resistance fighters and split up on their way to the Spaceport.
The heroes travel with Toratoma and his elite fighters and along the way they encounter the first hostile indigenous lifeforms. Large and very fast tick-like creatures known as Pod Leapers attack and take out two TLF fighters before they are beaten.
Again the crew notices that the some of the TLF are carrying advanced weaponry made by the Yssaril Tribes.
Shortly hereafter the group arrives within viewing distance of the Tayah Spaceport gates. After a heated discussion the heroes are allowed to seek their own way in the 'port with two crack shot TLF fighters in tow .

Tayah Spaceport Gates