FotoEmerich Rach
The robot turns out to be a message from a League Of Merchants Capo named Emerich Rach. He has a job proposal for them. The crew are invited to his rich & elaborate estate where he elaborates on his job proposal.
House Colos, one of the major houses of the Empire of Sol owns a Tachyon Beam Dictor relay station on the outskirts of its domain. Emerich wants the heroes to replace the crew of the station with Eve, an android. The pay is good but Cap. Honel has his reservations about killing/disposing the original crew of the station. The Crew are given some time to decide and after additional bargaining the deal is struck with on top of the pay, a state of the art EW generator payload for the ship.
The crew are also given a number of handy items to help them in the mission such as explosives, personal EW field emitters, breather masks and two types of gas to be used in the ventilation system.
Ackatac takes the travel time to Colos space to chemically engineer the gas so it will not kill the techs in the base and reduce the effect time.

FotoAndroid Eve
Thanks to the expert Mentak piloting skills of Owen the Isolde lands undetected on the planet Col72Prime. The crew proceeds covertly towards Moonbase Alpha. When they find a MagRail transport that will take them to the centre of the base Nick Stark starts to hack into the system trying to disable the security and reverse the flow of the air so that the engineered chemical will take full effect of the few technical operators inside the base.
Meanwhile the MagRail transport grinds to a halt, displaying a proximity alert which is caused by an old security battlebot.
A fierce and short fire-fight ensues where the heroes easily overwhelm the lone securibot.
Nick digs deep into the Colos Mainframe and discovers some hidden files protected by some heavy ICE. He breaks trough and copies the sensitive data figuring they will fetch a good price once a buyer can be found.
The heroes install the android and place the original techcrew in cryoberths.
The mission is an astounding success.

TBD relay base 'Moonbase Alpha' exterior
Owen Skidder
7/24/2013 08:35:43 pm

I must say it was nice to see this crew in action. Nick Stark has really impressed me as he seems to be a top hacker. I have also found out that my cyber ware has really made me an amazing sniper, I feel like I can shoot the wings of a fly. Only my pistols do not provide enough fire power, maybe it's time to learn how to shoot with bigger guns!

10/8/2013 06:29:10 am

This couldn't have gone better.
No damage, no casulties and a fat paycheck.
I gotta say, I like this Emerich Rach, but that could just be the heady feeling of succes talking.
Well...that, or the booze.
The pay and the loot are sweet but I have a feeling the data that was retrieved by Nick is gonna be
even more lucrative. Problem is: those corporate secrets always have more barbs then a New-Venus rosebush.


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